Monday, January 14, 2008

My New Toy !

After using my old faithful Acer Travelmate 4000 series for 3 years, I have decided to get a new notebook. Many days of shopping were done ... from Prangin Mall to Gurney Plaza and finally to Queensbay Mall.

My initial choice was either a HP or Fujitsu but when Brother Dennis went shopping with me last Thursday, we both liked Sony Vaio very much. So, last Saturday evening, I bought a Blazing-Red Sony Vaio VGN-CR23G/R at RM4,488.

It's so sexy and canggih ...

My new baby !

Message to Brother Dennis :
Quick, quick get yourself a white one .... it's awaiting for your pick-up !


Soo Theng said... nice!! I want one too but have to save some $$$ first.

Estee Soo said...

Hey!! One of my favourite pick as well. I'm also dreaming of owning one la. My Dell compare to yours....errr...i got to stand far far... hehehe.

Michelle said...

Nice & Sexy! I want! I want!

NS said...

sexy man..... but best of all.. we get to communicate online... why seeing each other... so cool.... at least someone got up to speed...hehehe

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